Make up classes can be done any time during the session. Check the schedule to see what same-level class works for you, and then message the gym to let us know what day and time you will be coming.
Winter Sessions
There will be TWO Winter Sessions between mid-January and Easter break! If you are unable to attend one session, you may be able to attend the other. Please see the Winter Sessions page for more details.
begins January 13th!
Registration for Winter Session 2 will be in February
Gymtots classes are for crawlers through age three. Children come with a caregiver. A gymnastics instructor will be present, but it is mostly free play. The focus is on coordination, exercise and socialization. And, obviously, fun!
Before attending, please fill out the waiver and pay the registration fee. You can sign up for the class on a week by week basis. You can register and pay online, or pay in person.
caregiver and child classes
The annual registration fee of $30 will need to be paid if you will be attending at least one Gymtots class.
Please ONLY pay this for Gymtots classes. The registration fee is already included in the price of the other classes for the Fall Session.
Winter Session #1 will begin January 13th!
Team CPR Class
On Saturday, November 9th, Coach Beth (aka Professor Hoffman in the Pitt Department of Public Health) and members of the Pitt Gymnastics Team helped teach our team members CPR and other life saving skills. After, the Pitt gymnasts answered questions, signed autographs, and gained a bunch of new fans! It was an amazing experience!